
Where do you ship to?
Works on paper can be shipped worldwide. Currently, paintings on canvas or wood panels can be shipped to Canada and the US.

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping will be calculated after purchase. Rates vary depending on where you live and I do my best to choose the most economical one. A surcharge may be invoiced for locations outside Canada and the United States, prior to shipping. I’ll reach out by email or phone to discuss this.

How long will it take for my painting to arrive?
Your painting will typically be packaged within 1-2 weeks after your purchase. If you would prefer expedited delivery, please get in touch to make arrangements.


I want you to love the painting you choose, returns are accepted within a 7-day window after delivery, if it is returned in the original packaging and a written return-request is provided by email.

Costs of shipping are non-refundable for all purchases. The cost of shipping and insuring the return will be covered by the customer.